Blog Rules

***Blog Rules***

1.) All classroom rules apply when you are posting on the blog. I will not tolerate "bashing", inappropriate comments, or swearing.

2.) In order to leave comments you MUST be logged into your class Google account. Any comments from an account other than that will be deleted.

3.) If you e-mail me anything make sure your header includes the assignment name (or topic), your last name, and your class period. EX: Article Reflection-Fetal Genetic Testing Parker P-4. If this header is not included I will not accept your work.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Article Reflection Assignment: Fetal Genetic Testing

For your article reflection assignment, I want you to write a 200-250 word response to the article I will link to at the end of this post. In your reflection, you may give your own opinion on the article, bring up any questions that the article brings to your mind, critique the thought or reasoning of the author, or write about how this article ties into class material. Please turn this assignment in during class or e-mail it to me.

In addition to this written assignment, I would also like you to leave at least one question or comment you have about the article in the comments section of this blog post. Also, respond to each other's queries (in a civil matter) as well. I will also be commenting on your postings.

If you're having difficulties reading the article, please let me know. 

Link to Article


  1. I think that fetal genetic testing can have a lot of benefits. It allows for problems to be detected earlier in pregnancies and gives the doctors and parents more time to discuss how they want to proceed.

  2. I think that fetal genetic testing for the sake of engineering a "model baby" is absolutely outrageous. Allowing this testing for this purpose will only make unengineered siblings feel awful about themselves because they weren't what mommy and daddy wanted.
